
Why Join NSA Ohio?

Our members say they join for theĀ contentĀ but stay for theĀ community.


Membership in NSA Ohio signifies professional standing in the speaking industry, increasing your credibility and visibility with decision makers as well as your speaker colleagues.

Your business is promoted through listings in state-wide and national directories. Leadership and development opportunities are provided throughout the year via publications, virtual and in-person conferences, workshops, and special events.

Youā€™ll belong to a community that shares information and ideas generously.

Contact Dir Membership Michael Davis

Become a Member

Annual membership starts at $200.

  • Discounted seminar rates with membership
  • Networking opportunities
  • Speaker profile listing with NSA Ohioā€™s online directory
  • Option to join NSA National separately

Please note that if you opt out of emails during the membership process, you will not receive most chapter communications, including seminar and event notices.Ā 

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